Qualities of the divine feminine
Qualities of the divine feminine

None of the pictures used belong to me, all credit to original owners. We reach the highest level of awareness and achieve Nirvana.Ĭredit to Big Hit for all BTS pictures used We become the Aether, the spirit of of the universe. By embracing all the characteristics of male and female, we become whole. Humankind is more than just man and woman. It is encoded in our DNA, it is in the vibration of everything created, it is in the soil that nurtures us, the fire that comforts us, the water that was our womb, and the air that gives us wings to dream. We all have the makings of the divine in us. What qualities and attributes are revealed in the Divine Feminine How does she show up in. How can I have a conversation with someone about how important it is to recognize, accept and value "X", (insert your cause here) when I haven't recognized, accepted, and valued all the core characteristics that are within me?! The Divine Feminine is the subject of many conversations and the object of much veneration and worship. Self-improvement can open up doors for us we never even knew were there.įinally, how can we hope to change the world if we can't even change ourselves! Just because a combined set of characeristics makes us unique, it doesn't mean each of those individual characteristics is unique only to us, or that it has infinite value. "If laziness is part of my core being, and makes me unique, why would I want to work hard to change it?!" Changing any of these core traits requires a great deal of work, and is sometimes traumatic. But your CORE essence or spirit- the things that are unique to you, change very little over time. Your character, beliefs, values, and morals change over time, and as you are exposed to challenges in your environment.

qualities of the divine feminine qualities of the divine feminine

There is nothing wrong with working to improve your outward appearance, improving your knowledge, or physical skills. We all have room for growth and enlightenment. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Many of us have been programmed by society to buy into the patriarchal cycle of war, aggression, ego and materialism but these. No one is "perfect" just the way they are. I am not growing, or evolving(progression), but being held in place, or sometimes moving backwards(regression). If I fail to recognize, or worse, deny that I am LAZY, then I do nothing but repeat negative patterns of behavior over, and over again. You can't change an aspect of your character that you haven't even recognized. You can't truly " love yourself" if you haven't first looked inside yourself.

Qualities of the divine feminine